
IBM Sql Interview Question : Sql20240718:01

IBM Sql Interview Question : Sql20240718:01

Identify users who have made purchases totaling more than Rs.5,000 in the last 1 month from the Current Date.

Table script is given below:

CREATE TABLE purchases (
    purchase_id INT Identity (1,1) PRIMARY KEY,
    user_id INT,
    date_of_purchase date,
    product_id INT,
    amount_spent DECIMAL(10, 2)

INSERT INTO purchases ( user_id, date_of_purchase, product_id, amount_spent) 
(1, '2024-06-22' , 11, 1000),
(3, '2024-06-24' , 12, 4000),
(1, '2024-06-28 ', 11, 7000),
(2, '2024-06-19 ', 12, 2000),
(3, '2024-06-12 ', 12, 7000),
(1, '2024-05-15 ', 11, 8000),
(3, '2024-05-18 ', 12, 3000),
(1, '2024-05-28 ', 11, 9000),
(2, '2024-06-20 ', 12, 1500),
(3, '2024-06-25 ', 12, 6000);  

      Solving Approach:

  1.  Filter the last 1 month data with where clauses.
  2.  Get the sum of amount spent based on group of User_ID.
  3.  Filter the group using Having Clauses .
  SELECT SUM(amount_spent) as Total_Spent, USER_ID
FROM purchases
WHERE date_of_purchase >= DATEADD(MONTH, -1, GETDATE())
HAVING SUM(amount_spent) > 5000  




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